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Search Results for "Father whose daughter was killed during the Hamas attack on Israel."
Father speaks on the brutal murder of his daughter in Hamas attack
Father describes discovering his daughter's body days after Hamas attack in booby-trapped home
'Death was a blessing': Father's relief Hamas killed his daughter instead of abducting her| ITV News
Palestinian father mourns daughter killed by Israel
Father whose daughter was killed during the Hamas attack on Israel. #hamasattack #father #news
Father admits relief that his young daughter was killed by Hamas instead of being a hostage in Gaza
Palestinian father bids farewell to his daughter killed by Israel
Hear from father who thought daughter was killed in Hamas attack, and now told she may be alive
Father welcomes news his daughter was killed in #hamasattack rather than being taken to #gaza
Israeli father recounts how his daughter was killed in the Hamas attacks
'Death was a blessing': Father on learning fate of daughter
Moment Hamas leader finds out sons are dead